The (Endless) IVF Cycle Overview – Egg Retrieval Due Next!

ivf egg  retrievalThis is my IVF Cycle Summary… so far. I thought I was a poor responder to stims and boy was I wrong! The normal starting dose of Follistim for IVF cycles is 225IU but because I have a lot of follicles my doctor decided to start me off with a mere 175IU and somehow, my body ran with it…it ran a marathon, producing 55 follicles! As a result my cycle almost got canceld which was nerve wrecking. Doc decides we can still proceed but that we need to reduce my stims. From that point on I was either taking 100IUs of Follistim (which some people do on an IUI cycle so you can have an idea) and 76IU of Menopur, or I was taking nothing… just giving time for my eggies to grow on their own.

The crappy side was that I had to go to the doctor every single day to monitor my E2 levels and follicle sizes. I guess being bloated and feeling some pain in my girl balls falls in this category too.

Wish me luck! Egg retrieval is on Friday! Woot woot!

Period date: Friday 5/30/14

Birth Control Pills: Start – 6/01/14 (CD3), ended on 6/24/14 – > 24 days total

2nd Period: 6/27/14 (Friday)


– 6/29/14 (Sunday): 175IU Follistim + 75IU Menopur

– 6/30/14: 175IU Follistim + 75IU Menopur + Doxycycline + Dexamethasone

– 7/01/14: 175IU Follistim + 75IU Menopur + Doxycycline + Dexamethasone

– 7/02/14: 175IU Follistim + 75IU Menopur + Doxycycline + Dexamethasone

– 7/03/14: no stims + Doxycycline + Dexamethasone

– 7/04/14:  Ganirelix 100IU Follistim + 75IU Menopur + Doxycycline + Dexamethasone

– 7/05/14:  Ganirelix 100IU Follistim + 75IU Menopur + Doxycycline + Dexamethasone

– 7/06/14:  Ganirelix 100IU Follistim + 75IU Menopur + Doxycycline + Dexamethasone

– 7/07/14:  Ganirelix no stims + Doxycycline + Dexamethasone

– 7/08/14: Ganirelix  75IU Follistim only + Doxycycline + Dexamethasone

– 7/09/14: Ganirelix no stims + Doxycycline + Dexamethasone + 1st Trigger Shot (40 units of Lupron + 1,000 HCG)

– 7/10/14: Trigger shot #2 40 units of Lupron

Egg retrieval: Friday 7/11/14

Fertilization Report: Saturday 7/12/14

Freezing Report: Friday 6/18/14

I can’t believe I’m only half way through this whole thing…

Btw, isn’t this cake adorable?



About Love,DANI

I have recently developed Obsessive Compulsive Blogging Disorder in order to mask the fact that my ability to procreate might be fully dependent on my bank account balance. Some think I'm bossy others think I'm soft, but the truth is I'm a sugglebunny she-ra wine drinking slave working alpha bitch that just wants to have some goddamn babies. is something I've always wanted to do since I was a kid and decided to write down all the things my mom did wrong but blogs didn't exist. So I take notes of things I want to teach my imaginary kids, good and bad. You'll find that I fluctuate between loving and crazy wannabe mom. I hope my kids will read this someday. This one is for my bitches and I write about whatever I want, whatever thought is on my mind that day. Beware, I freely curse ad I'm a firm believer that swear words are here to emphasize my thoughts.

Posted on July 9, 2014, in Cycle Update, fertility, infertility, ivf and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Seriously, I cannot believe how many freaking follicles you have…..I’ve never heard of anything that high. That’s just amazing!!! LOL, yes I love the image…..too funny!

    • me neither! Even the doctor was shocked because my dose wasn’t that high! When he dropped my dosage and we started “coasting” the follicles divided into groups… at least half seems to have stayed behind… So even though he’ll probably collect those too, they probably won’t be mature enough to fertilize… but he’s hoping for 20-25 mature eggs, which would be awesome!

  2. Oh yea, and of course….GOOD LUCK FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Grow follis grow! I’m hoping for an easy retrieval for you!

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